This study is descriptive (quantitative and qualitative) with the survey approach and aims to determine the criteria for implementation of the learning process Polytechnic Kemenkes Semarang and identify educational issues include resource management, learning systems, learning models and the availability of l...[ Selanjutnya ]
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the method of learning with concept maps and conference approach to the achievement of learning objectives Sampling technique was used saturated sampling method. Check-list that is used as an instrument to measure the effectiveness ...[ Selanjutnya ]
Desain Research experiment quasi with pre and post test design group control. Sample size each group 18 respondents. Technics sampling used quota. The result showed both homogeneous group ( p>0.005). There are difference of self care actifities and also anxiety by education health at group intervence ( p=0...[ Selanjutnya ]
The aim of the research was to survey about the graduate’s working appearance based on his / her leader and colleague including the integrity capacity, communication, competency, information and technology, partnership, and self development. A quantitative research by applying survey was conducted to 42...[ Selanjutnya ]
This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the risky dating activities among teenagers at senior high sch...[ Selanjutnya ]
This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the risky dating activities among teenagers at senior high school in Blora, Central Java. A descriptive correlational design was employed and all data were collected using cross-sectional approach. A total of 180 samples were selected by proportional random sampling technique and all data w...[ Selanjutnya ]
Salah satu masalah keperawatan yang paling sering terjadi pada pasien fraktur post Open Reduction Internal Fixation (ORIF) adalah nyeri. Mengurangi rasa nyeri dan tidak nyaman yang hebat merupakan intervensi keperawatan utama yang memerlukan ketrampilan, seni dan pengetahuan perawat, salah satunya adalah dengan tindakan distraksi. Distra...[ Selanjutnya ]
Based on Indonesian of Demography and Health Survey, The participants level of giving breastfeeding milk decreased from 42,4 % at 1997 to 39,5 % at 2002-2003. Indonesian goverment declare ealry breasfeeding initiation program to overcome this problem. It is hoped that by giving early breasfeeding initiation could improve posibility 2 unt...[ Selanjutnya ]
One of indicator which is used to evaluate the successful of Integrated Health Service at Community (Posyandu) Program is Participant indicator. This is ratio of children under five years’ visiting to posyandu or D/S. It is targeted that the ratio of D/S’ in Indonesia is 100% and at district of Semarang is 80%. Ho...[ Selanjutnya ]
One of promotive health effort to realize desa siaga is by revitalizing posyandu ( Dinkes Prop Jateng, 2007 )
In Holding posyandu, cadres take an important role wheither in all plans of posyandu preparation activities or in apllying five tables system activities.
There are 75 posyandu in working area of Puskesmas Leyangan ang...[ Selanjutnya ]