The aim of this study is to show the impact of leg exercise towards peripheral leg circulation of diabetes mellitus patients. This study was pre experiment with the design of pre and post test one group without control group design approach. Leg exercise was done in 3 times of 3 days continuously. The score o...[ Selanjutnya ]
The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of head elevation on mean arterial pressure, blood pressure, and intracranial pressure among hemorrhagic stroke at the Margono Soekarjo Hospital Purwokerto on 2011. The study was employed quasi experimental design pre and post test with control group. This re...[ Selanjutnya ]
The type of research is quasi-experimental with 3 times replication. The samples of the study are 15 pieces of mukena using purposive sampling technique. Analysis of data from the measurement results, observations, and laboratory tests. The result of the study showed that the sanitary condition of the mosque with a score of 885 indicates as a ...[ Selanjutnya ]
This research was descriptif exploratif desaign to study performace of midwives, population of this study was senior midwives who gave midwifery services that are partners of yunior midwives (graduated within 2 years). Sample found from 30 yunior midwives from Semarang city and 20 yunior midwives from subburb. Sample was given quisioner which ...[ Selanjutnya ]
This study is an experimental study using a completely randomized design with a look at the index difference glikemiks fungsioanl instant rice products.
Data Analysis with SPSS 15:00 Anova for the window to test the effect of treatment on the dependent variable. Further test carried out if there is treatment effect on the dependent va...[ Selanjutnya ]
The objective of this study is to find the dose of sea cucumber crackers that can cope constipation and determine levels of nutrients, fiber as well as mercury sea cucumber crackers.
Research design was quasi-experimental study. Subjects of this study was the new student, which are grouped into 3 dose groups: 15, 30 and 45...[ Selanjutnya ]
The purpose of this study were to describe the internal customer’s expectations and performance of Health Polytechnic Kemenkes Semarang, analyzing internal customer’s satisfaction levels (students, lecturer and staff) to Health Polytechnic Kemenkes Semarang’s services.<...[ Selanjutnya ]
The purpose of this study to explore the attitudes and actions of mothers with HIV AIDS stigma and discrimination people in the city of Semarang. The research was conducted with a qualitative approach. As the population of mothers with HIV-AIDS is the number of 26 people, while the number of...[ Selanjutnya ]
The aim of this study was to explore the effect of pocket book and video diabetic management toward knowledge and compliance level of diabetic management and blood glucose level. Design that employed was quasy ekperimental with non equivalen control group and was conducted in the time series. There were 38&nb...[ Selanjutnya ]
The goal of this study is to analyze factors influencing the coverage of clinical competency target of midwifery student of Diploma III in relating to midwifery clinical practice. This study is analytical study with cross-sectional approach. Population in this study is all of the third year’s stud...[ Selanjutnya ]