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    I-I-I    Selamat datang di website Sistem Penelitian dan Pengabmas Terpadu (SIPANDU) Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PPPM) Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang    I-I-I    Anda dapat mendownload full text jurnal penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat jika anda terdaftar sebagai dosen dan mahasiswa Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, semoga bermanfaat untuk ilmu yang bermanfaat    I-I-I    

01 September 2010 oleh Umaroh. SKM, S.Tr.Keb, M.Kes , ; ;
LINK ISSN: 1829-5754, Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2010

Studi Pemanfaatan Posyandu Di Desa Branjang Wilayah Puskesmas Lerep, Kabupaten Semarang


One of indicator which is used to evaluate the successful of Integrated Health Service at Community (Posyandu) Program is Participant indicator. This is ratio of children under five years’ visiting to posyandu or D/S. It is targeted that the ratio of D/S’ in Indonesia is 100% and at district of Semarang is 80%. However, the coverage of D/S’ratio at district of Semarang was 79,64% only.  This study is qualitative research. The population of this study is mother who has children under five years at Lerep Public Health Care, District of Semarang. The number of sample in this stud is 8 respondents. Purposive sampling is using for recruiting samples. The result of this study shows tahat mother using posyandu is unworker mothers. On the other than, mothers who are not using posyandu are worker mothers. The level of respondents’ knowledge about posyandu is good. The reason why the unworker mothers need to go to posyandu is to know nutritional status of their children. It is concluded that predisposing factor of mother who has children under five years using posyandu are unworker mother and near distance of their home to poosyandu. Hoowever the obstructed factor are worker mother and mother whose misperception about the function of posyandu. It is suggested for midwife to revitalize the posyandu so that the five table of function of posyandu can be done, not weghing the children under five years only.

Key words: Usefulness, Integrated Health Service (Posyandu), children under five years