Jumlah lanjut usia di Dunia saat ini diperkirakan mencapai 500 juta jiwa dengan usia rata-rata 60 tahun dan diperkirakan pada tahun 2025 akan mencapai 1,2 milyar, dimana 1 milyar berada di Negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia (Nugroho, 2000). Di Indonesia Usia Harapan Hidup (UHH) diperkirakan meningkat dari 66,2 tahun pada tahun 2004 men...[ Selanjutnya ]
Backgraund: HIV/AIDS cases suffer from early younger. AIDS comision (2011) noted that the total HIV/AIDS in Banyumas were 471 patients, which were 264 men and 207 women. &n...[ Selanjutnya ]
A study to determine the effectiveness of the Laboratory Practice Learning Development Prodi D-III Techniques Radiodiagnostic And Radiotherapy Purwokerto.
This type of research is descriptive quantitative study approach. The design of the study is a survey designed to capture engineering data using questionnaires and study documentati...[ Selanjutnya ]
Background. Lessons are given to adults can be effective if the teacher is not overly dominate the class, but many seek to hear and accept the idea of ??a person, and then assess and answer questions posed by the students as adults. Purpose. Describe the effect of Problem Based Learning Method Learning Courses Medical Surgical Nursing Students...[ Selanjutnya ]
Low birth weight (LBW) is considered as main factor in increasing neonatal and infant morbidity as well as mortality rate, and it has a long term impact on life. Increasing knowledge and skills of health provider is one of strategy to decrease infant mortality rate which can be done by means of training on management of LBW baby and asphyxia. ...[ Selanjutnya ]
Incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in 2010 Indonesia was ranked fourth after India, China and South Africa. The spread of tuberculosis cases among others is because of treatment failure is due to medication non-compliance resulting in increased knowledge necessary to improve treatment compliance. With supportive therapy is expected to be an i...[ Selanjutnya ]
Permenkes 148/Menkes/Per/I/2010 Number of Permits and Enforcement Practice Nurse with all applicable provisions have been published. The reality show is still a lot of medical acts performed by nurses. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the level of knowledge and attitude of nursing students Prodi Pekalongan on the implemen...[ Selanjutnya ]
Learning achievement can be affected by several factors,those areinternalfactors and externalfactors of the individu. One of the factors that comes within the individual is the motive. The problem is: "Is there a correlation between the motive to be a nurse withacademic achievement?". The purpose of this research is to determine the ...[ Selanjutnya ]
Abdominalis Typhus is a disease that attacks the gastrointestinal tract in the small intestine. This disease is occupying sequence of number one for three consecutive in RSUD dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga.
This objective of this research is to determine the effectivity of warm compresses and deep breath towards patient&rsq...[ Selanjutnya ]
Background : Availability time of mother at home for caring children is one of the factors that influence the formation to adolescent emotional autonomy, because the mother is a social agent for family development in charge of caring and guiding their children and manage household affairs. Reduced time of mother at home that caused by business...[ Selanjutnya ]