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01 April 2013 oleh SUNARKO. S.Tr.Kep., Ners., S. , ; ;
JNJ (Jendela Nursing Jurnal) ISSN: 1979-7753, Vol. 4, No. 1, April 2013


Learning achievement can be affected by several factors,those areinternalfactors and externalfactors of the individu. One of the factors that comes within the individual is the motive. The problem is: "Is there a correlation between the motive to be a nurse withacademic achievement?". The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between the motive to be a nurse with academic achievement and how the direction of the relationship.

The methods and design research used is descriptive method, the type of correlation study to examine the relationship between the independent variable (X), namely: academic achievement, and the dependent variable (Y): a motive to be a nurse. The Subjectsof the research arethe first level of academics students of Diploma 3 Nursing Study Program Purwokerto, Academic Year. 2011/2012.with population 100 students and sample 30 students. The validity of measurement tools is 0.390 to 0.608 and the reliability is 0.832.

From the statistyccalculation, correlation coefficient obtained is 0.019. In the table, the value of r product moment for the significant level  5% = 0, 0.361, while   significance level 1%= 0, 046. It means r (correlation coefficient) obtained is smaller than r (correlation coefficient) both at significant level  5% and 1%, or: 0.361> 0.019 <0.463.

The conclusionsare: First, there is no correlation between the motive to be a nurse with the first level of academic student achievement of Diloma 3 Nursing Program academic year  2011/2012. Second,  two hypothesesthat the researcher proposedare: "There is a Correlation Between Motive to Be a Nurse With the first level of Student Learning Achievement of Diploma 3 Nursing Program Purwokertoacademic year. 2011/2012 ", is refused. Third, there is no evidence that students who have a motive to become a nurse will have a good or bad academic achievement. Fourth,Thus a strong motive to become a nurse can not be a good measure of good or bad learning achievement, because the achievement is determinednotonly  by a motive. There are many internal and external factors that may affect learning achievement.

Key word: Motive, Nurse, Learning Achievement