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    I-I-I    Selamat datang di website Sistem Penelitian dan Pengabmas Terpadu (SIPANDU) Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PPPM) Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang    I-I-I    Anda dapat mendownload full text jurnal penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat jika anda terdaftar sebagai dosen dan mahasiswa Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, semoga bermanfaat untuk ilmu yang bermanfaat    I-I-I    

01 Mei 2013 oleh Ns Siti Mulidah. S.Pd., S.Kep., M.Kes , ; ;
LINK ISSN: 1829-5754, Vol. 9, No. 2, Mei 2013

Efektifitas Kartu Bergambar Dan Ava Sebagai Media Promosi Kesehatan Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Hiv/Aids Pada Siswa Smp N 9 Purwokerto - Banyumas

Backgraund: HIV/AIDS cases suffer from early younger. AIDS comision (2011) noted that the total HIV/AIDS in Banyumas were 471 patients, which were 264 men and 207 women.                                      

This study aim to know the effectiveness of drowing chart and AVA as health promotion media for increasing HIV/AIDS knowledge of SMP N 9 Purwokerto students at Banyumas Regency.

Methode: This study is a quasi experimental study with two groups pre and post test static design. Population of this study were all SMP N 9 Purwokerto students of 2012 year, which is 720 students. Sampling methode by rondom sampling tecniq , which was 60 respondents, consist of 30 intervention group drowing chart and 30 intervention group AVA media. The data was analised by univariable (prosentage) and bivariable (pair t test).

Result: The knowledge of respondents before and after intervention by using AVA media was increase for 22,83, and by using drowing chart was 27,00. There was not differences of knowledge of men  and women befor after intervensi by using drowing chart and AVA media (p=0,062). The effectiveness of drowing chart and AVA as health promotion media for increasing HIV/AIDS knowledge  was not differences staticly (p=0,228).

Conclution: Staticly, there was not significant result of the effectiveness drowing chart and AVA as health promotion media for increasing HIV/AIDS knowledge  of SMP N 9 Purwokerto students. However drowing chart was more better for increasing knowledge and activity of student learn  than AVA media.

 Key Words: drowing chart, AVA and knowledge of student