Pemeriksaan Intravena Pyelography (IVP) merupakan salah satu pemeriksaan yang dilakukan dengan tujuan mendiagnosa kelainan anatomi dan fisiologi saluran perkencingan. Gambaran opasitas anatomi dan fungsi saluran perkencingan khususnya ginjal pada suatu foto rontgen dipengaruhi salah satunya adalah kadar ureum ...[ Selanjutnya ]
Penyakit menular seksual (PMS) adalah penyakit yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seksual. Di Kabupaten Batang pada tahun 2010, jumlah kasus PMS sebanyak 608 kasus, pada tahun 2011 sebesar 1.296 kasus. Kebanyakan remaja tidak memiliki pengetahuan yang akurat tentang kesehatan reproduksi dan seksualit...[ Selanjutnya ]
Upaya Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk (PSN) Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) oleh masyarakat merupakan upaya yang strategis, dengan ikut berperan aktif melaksanakan PSN-DBD, masyarakat tidak hanya sebagai obyek, tetapi juga sebagai subyek atau pelaku. Sasaran utama dari PSN-DBD adalah agar semua keluarga, masyara...[ Selanjutnya ]
Menstruasi merupakan siklus bulanan yang normal terjadi pada wanita subur, namun jika disertai dengan berbagai keluhan yang berat dan periodik setiap menjelang menstruasi. Dalam beberapa kasus muncul pramenstruasi sindrom. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian vitamin B6 te...[ Selanjutnya ]
The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that affect the practice of sterilization of dental instruments to prevent cross infection in Semarang Health Center. This is a quantitative research done with survey method and cross sectional study. The population and the sample were 37 dental nurses who work in the Semarang Health C...[ Selanjutnya ]
The purpose of this research is to know what types of activities and targets of achievement in Care services and UKGS programs at the elementary schools in Banyumanik Semarang. Qualitative methods are used to explore about activities that are already implemented in the UKGS program and care services and look at the factors that inhibit the act...[ Selanjutnya ]
This study aims to determine the radiation dose to the acceptance of conventional non- contrast radiographs and the dose received by the patient on a non contrast radiographs compared Perka BAPETEN According Reference No 8 of 2011. Quantitative research approach was applied in this research for the measurement of radiation using TLD chip...[ Selanjutnya ]
This quantitative study was an experimental design. A total of 18 healthy male and female volunteers, with differnt BMI involved in the study by consecutive random sampling. An expert Radiologist evaluated all the 38 T2map images being studied. The arbitrary SI data were measured using one millimeter ROI of the machine measurement tools and th...[ Selanjutnya ]
Uncontrolled hemorrhage that contributes for approximately 20 % -25 % of maternal death makes it the most serious risk. The efforts to prevent hemorrhage postpartum can be done since the third and fourth stage of delivery by giving oxytocin through oral, intra - nasal , intra - muscular , or with a massage that stimulates the release of oxytoc...[ Selanjutnya ]
The purpose of this study was to determine the density of flies, fly types, sanitary conditions, and the control efforts in Wage Market and Manis Market Purwokerto. This descriptive research only describes about those 4 points. Data obtained is then analyzed in tabular form by comparing the measurement results with existing standards. The resu...[ Selanjutnya ]