IHC is a form of health care organized by the community, for the community, with technical support from health professionals. This research community midwifery by using a cross sectional survey and the type of research with a population of 349 elderly. Data collected in this study were primary data by intervi...[ Selanjutnya ]
The objective of this study was to describe sleep quality and identify factors influencing sleep quality among elderly at geriatric residence of Rindang Asih , Ungaran, Semarang. The research design was descriptive study, using purposive sampling. 20 elderly at geriatric residence are being respondent in this...[ Selanjutnya ]
Almost 90% of child mortality occured in developing country, over 40% of it was caused by diarhhea and acute respiratory tract infection, which can be prevented by exclussive breasfeeding. Data from the profile of districts/cities in Central Java Province year 2005 showed the average of infants at age o...[ Selanjutnya ]
Oral health has improved, but the prevalence of dental caries, especially in children remains a significant clinical problem. In order to reach the target teeth healthy in 2010 according to WHO standards, we need a preventive measure. This paper will discuss the identification and assessment of risk factors f...[ Selanjutnya ]
The research aim is to identify the needs of parents who have child in hospital. The research is descriptive. 30 parents who have child in Hospital ware involved in this reseaearch. Quesionaire about the needs of family was used ti cillect tha data. Descriptive statistic was used to analyse. The result shows that the most nee...[ Selanjutnya ]
The Objective of study is Knowing the Difference between Clinical Learning Microskill Model and Learning Achievement Domains Against the Conventional Clinical Nursing Students Study Program D3 Magelang polytechnic ministry of health Semarang. Research approach was quantitative and quasi-experimental res...[ Selanjutnya ]
Sebagian pasien CKR-CKS masih mengalami gejala-gejala kecacatan selama beberapa minggu sampai bulan, yang dapat mengganggu kemampuan bekerja kembali atau melakukan aktivitas sosial. Injuri otak ringan dan sedang menyebabkan lesi-lesi reversible dengan keluhan-keluhannya, dan keluhan tersebut harus dijadikan sebagai awal dari tanda-tanda fisik ...[ Selanjutnya ]
This type of research was an experiment, performe dat using 0.35 Tesla MRI Unit. Data obtained by performing an MRI examination of the 3 (three) patients with 9 (nine) parameter variations. Assessment is done by measuring the SNR image using software on the MRI Unit and assessment of the intensity of the arteries by mak...[ Selanjutnya ]
Quantitative Descriptive research with experimental opproach was done with x-ray machiine type UD150l-30E. The data of experiment was taken with made eight radiographs and the ESE measurement is conducted using TLD which layed on surface of abdomen phantom or at central point. Exposure was taken with eight times with eight va...[ Selanjutnya ]
Incontinensia urine type stress is undercontrol so that may cause socil problem. The acute of incontinensia urine usually has small volume of urine. The kegel exercise is part of behavioural therapy to solve this problem. It assists to relax muscle and to improve spincter uretra. This exercise can be supported by the ability of patient learnin...[ Selanjutnya ]