This type of research is a quasi-experimental studies (Quasi Experimental). The study design is only one group pretest and postest design. Population research is the kindergarten students of Al Azhar 14 Semarang as many as 80 children with a sample of 30 students 30 students' parents. Data were analyzed u...[ Selanjutnya ]
This study to determine the effect of the quick blood volume (Qb) to the process of ultrafiltration hemodialysis urea in action research is a Quasi experiment research with pre and post test desaign. The number of samples in this study were 54 people. Data processed by Anova test one path to find the differen...[ Selanjutnya ]
This study is a survey research, with a sample Hospital in Semarang with the number of samples apron as much as 49 pieces. Methods of research done by observation, measurement and documentation. Measurements were made using flouroskopi t...[ Selanjutnya ]
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship long second stage of labor in breech presentation of the baby-minute Apgar I. This type of research is the analytic study with a retrospective approach, the study population in this study were all mothers who gave birth by vaginal delivery breech pre...[ Selanjutnya ]
This study aims to determine the different levels of anxiety before and after classical music in the third trimester primigravida pregnant women. The subjects in this study is the first time pregnant women at 28-40 weeks of gestation between the health center located in Magelang regency Mungkid. The sampling ...[ Selanjutnya ]
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This study aimed to analyze application of five family duties in health area in taking care of member of family suffering Diabetus Mellitus. This was a qualitative research with fenomenologis approach, with data collecting method indepth interview. Participant of this study were selected to have certain crite...[ Selanjutnya ]
Banjarkerta, a village in district Karanganyar, Purbalingga, is a central village of mattress craftsman with textile waste materials as a substitute for cotton. One of negative impacts in consequence of work for the craftsmen is lung function disorder, which is caused by dust of textile waste. The other risk ...[ Selanjutnya ]
A main task of of the Council for Health Worker in the Province of Central Java has to develop and to monitor nurses by registration activity and certification in order to improve nurse’s professionalism. By registration activity, a nurse would have a competency to avoid malpractice. The activitie...[ Selanjutnya ]
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