Health Polytechnic Semarangimplemented quality assurance system in the management of continuing education in the hope of polytechnic universities able to become qualified, meets National Education Standards, define and realize its vision through the implementation of its mission and meet the needs of stakehol...[ Selanjutnya ]
Entrance Path selection for admission of new students was held at the Ministry of Health Polytechnic Semarang is a search path Interests and Achievements (PMDP), Public paths or Test Write conducted nationally and Independent lines. Patterns and selection methods designed to get raw input excel not only in ac...[ Selanjutnya ]
Jampersal program is expected to maternal health care delivery place. Midwives as the front line to provide care to pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, and providing care to the newborn. This is expected to reduce the number of maternal and infant mortality.This study aims to describe percep...[ Selanjutnya ]
In order to develop Politeknik Depkes Semarang and participate in development efforts particularly in terms of health tretment to maximizing all potentials of existing in Politeknik therefore need to add new major in Politeknik which preceded the implementation of appropriateness studyof Diploma III health an...[ Selanjutnya ]
Teenager is a community with labil aged and often have habitual smoking. The smoking activity has influences on mouth disesae as nicotine, carbon monosyde and tar contained on ciggarete. Number of cigarete per day influence mouth health. The research aim to collect information about tooth colour, volume saliva and gingiva hea...[ Selanjutnya ]
The aim of the research was to examine the expected skill types of graduates of Semarang Health Polytechnic. A quantitative research by applying survey was conducted to 17 samples (users) used a purposive sampling technique.Research results showed that users more expected to graduates to have soft skills in term of honesty, d...[ Selanjutnya ]
Flies are insects meperupakan fototropik is like light. At night off, but can be activated by the presence of artificial light. Fototropik properties form the basis for controlling flies fly population by using a Light Trap. Therefore, research on the effectiveness of Trap Light Lowering Population In house flies (Musca domes...[ Selanjutnya ]
Health Polytechnic Semarang implemented quality assurance system in the management of continuing education in the hope of polytechnic universities able to become qualified, meets National Education Standards, define and realize its vision through the implementation of its mission and meet the needs of stakeholders to pursue e...[ Selanjutnya ]
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This research was to assess the implementation four primary strategies in over coming of TBC. The research was a qualitative research with phenomenology approach. The number of informant were 5. Analisys tecnic of the research used interactive analisys with trianggulation of informant. The result of the...[ Selanjutnya ]