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01 Agustus 2012 oleh Herry Prasetyo. MN , ; ;
JNJ (Jendela Nursing Jurnal) ISSN: 1979-7753, Vol. 3, No. 1, Agustus 2012


It is widely recognized that every single drug has the advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, people must know the procedures, contains, indications and contraindications of drugs before using its. Although it is generally believed that legal drugs are good drugs and illegal drugs are bad drugs, it is evident that some people do not aware about the side effects of drugs used. Not only, the good effects of drugs used may able to kill the disease, reduce the number of microorganisms and release the pain, but also the bad effects of drugs used should be considered. It is important to note that the usage of legal drugs must be under controlled by health professionals. 

Key words: The usage of drugs, advantages, side effects