Studi Pengetahuan Tentang Hiv/Aids Pada Pelajar Dan Mahasiswa Di Kota Kupang Tahun 2011
There are 1305 cases of HIV/AIDS from 1997 up to Mey 2011 in NTT Province. Kupang Municipality is the second area which the cases of HIV/AIDS are very high (19,2%). The highest case is founded in people between 26 to 35 years old and it is estimated that group infected when 15-25 years old or when that group still in high school or university. This research aim is to describe the knowledge of HIV/AIDS among student in high school and university in Kupang Municipality. This research is observational descriptif. This research sample is 200 students in 5 high schools and 5 universities which using purposive sampling to get those samples. Datum of this research collected by survei using quesioner and then analized using Ms Word and Ms Excel. This research found that 100% respondents already hear and know about HIV/AIDS but still many people know about HIV/AIDS not corretly. Therefore, need health promotion to change the wrong knowledge and perseption about HIV/AIDS among community especially among student in high school and university.
Key Word: Knowledge, HIV/AIDS, student, high school, university