Efektivitas Aplikasi Bahan Pelindung Resin Dan Non Resin Terhadap Tingkat Kekerasan Bahan Tambal Semen Ionomer Kaca (Kajian Laboratorium)
This research is purposing to know effectivity the protecting material of non resin and resin material to hardness glass ionomer. This research is experimental research with crossectional methode. After apllying the non resin and resin material upper the box of glass ionomer on size 1 cm x 1cm x 0,5 cm with 60 box in three group. The one group the glass ionomer box is aplyied the non resin material, the second group is aplyied the non resin material. We get vaselin is non resin material and varnish in resin material and third group is control, that means the box no protecting material. All of group is put in water for 5 minute, 30 minute, and 60 minute. The hardness of glass ionomer boxing is read with pressing instrument modified. And is analized with Manova test.
The result in 5 minute see no different hardness the boxing glass ionomer if aplyied vaselin, varnish and no aplyied material. Its is F = 0,996 p=0,396 (p>0,05). Also on 30 minute, but on 60 minute, it see, significant different of hardness glass ionomer boxing in F=4,003 and p=0,47 (<0,05).
The conclusion for research is aplyied varnish on glass ionomer boxing more hardness. The resin material is 3 x times more hardness than non resin material.
Keywords : non resin protecting, resin protecting, glass ionomer.