Pengaruh Perbedaan Posisi Persalinan Terhadap Jumlah Perdarahan, Derajat Trauma Perineum, dan Lama Kala Ii Persalinan Pada Ibu Multipara di Rumah Bersalin di Sekitar Wilayah Semarang
There are a lot of activities to reduce perineal laceration, the length of second stage of labor, and amount number of bleeding. They are consist of labor poition, tehnique relaxation, and pushing tehnique. The aim of this study is to know the differences position of labor toward the amount number of bleeding, grade of perineal laceration, and the length of second stage of labor at multiparaous woman in the independent midwifery area close to Semarang
All of women who used lie down was not suffered bleeding during the labor rather than upright posistion which were 6 (30%) respondent. Most of respondent who used lie down experiencing perineal rupture on comisura posterior (3) were 11 (55%) and the other hand upright position got perineal rupture most of experiencing perinela ruptur on perieneum muskular (4) were 9 (45%). Similar on number most of women who are using upright position got middle of the length of the second stage of labor which were 14 (70 %) respondent dan 11 (55%) respondent. The result of Man Whitney- U that there were any influence diferencess a mount of bleeding and perineum rupture between upright and lie down posisiton of labour, and there were not any influence diferences between lenght of second stage of labour between upright and semi fomler posisiton of labour
It is suggested that health practisioner especially midwives to be carefull when they are applying upright position to the mother who deliver the baby.
Key Words: upright, semi fowler position during labor
Kata Kunci: posisi persalinan, tegak, setengah duduk