Konsistensi Penggunaan Kondom dalam Pencegahan HIV/AIDS pada Kelompok Berisiko Sopir Truk di Kabupaten Blora
One of national health problem in Indonesia is to facing the Sexual Transmitted Diseases. These diseases become a national issue and get a great attention since the development of Human Immuno deficiency Virus (HIV) and Aquired Immune Deficiancy Syndrome (AIDS)
This research analyzes many factors that influence the behavior so that can prevent HIV/AIDS by using condom consistently in group of truck driver who usually stay for awhile in the truck stop area. Descriptive co relational used in this research, with the cross sectional approach. Total technique sampling is used to recruit 50 samples. Data has been collected using a questioner and been analyzed using a chi square test.
The result of this study reveals there is a relationship between a knowledge (p = 0,001), perception (p=0,001), condom availability (p=0,001) and role of health services (p=0,001) with the behavior of preventing HIV/AIDS. Based on logistic regression test, the most influence factor in using condom consistently is knowledge. It is suggested for the health services group to conduct more health education counseling about the way to prevent HIV/AIDS among truck drivers by using condom every time they do sexual transaction.
Key Word: HIV/AIDS prevention, behavior, truck driver
Kata Kunci: Pencegahan HIV / AIDS, perilaku, sopir truk