Efektifitas Komunikasi, Informasi dan Edukasi Responsive Feeding terhadap Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Keterampilan Ibu dalam Pemberian MP ASI dan Penambahan Berat Badan Balita
Background: In indonesia, stunted, waste and undernutrition children remain nutrition problems. Primary health survey indicated that as many as 35,6% under five children were stunted, 13,3% waste and 17,9 were undernutrition.
Objective: to investigate the effect of KAP (knowledge, attitude and practice) of responsive feeding intervention on complementary feeding and children’s weight.
Methods: the study used quasi experiment design. There were 70 children on both groups. Intervention group was given 3 times counselling, home visit completed with video, brochures, and modul, meanwhile comparative group was given general health information.
Results: the study showed that responsive feeding intervention through communication, information and education has positif effect on the responsive feeding practice (p=0,001) yet did not at knowledge, attitude toward responsive feeding (p=0,905 dan p=0,728) and the increase of children’s weight (p=0,402).
Key words: complementary feeding, responsive feeding, children under five, counselling
Kata kunci: MP-ASI, Balita, Pemberian makan responsive, KIE